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3, relating to the differentiation of travel with respect to daily life, and 4. 2. 4, elaborating on the topic of gathering always new experiences. In compliance with these thoughts, interviewee 5 highlighted the differentiating factor leisure travel implies with respect to the daily routine in statements like the in vivo code aus dem Alltag aussteigen . Participant 5 remarked that this differentiation from daily routine is necessary because at some point the batteries are depleted line 65 and recovery means psychologically disconnecting from the problems of daily life. Therefore holiday travel should provide different real experiences code: importance of real experience, interview 5, line 142, unique highlights and time for oneself.

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The second level, normative ethics also called "prescriptiveethics" deals with moral issues in the conventional sense of thatterm that is, with questions of right or wrong, duties and rights,justice and injustice, virtue and wickedness, and so forth. On thislevel of ethical discourse, judgments are made and defendedconcerning the moral value of acts, motives and policies, or of thepersons or communities responsible for these acts, motives orpolicies. Also, in particular cases, recommendations are made as tothe morally "best" course of action or conduct. Thus a normativeresponse to the hypothetical poll on the Northland forests might be"how dreadful that our fellow citizens should care so little abouttheir biotic legacy!" Or, on the other hand, "I am glad to see thatour citizens are at last coming to their moral senses and recognizingthat human beings are more important than a bunch of trees!"Similarly, one might normatively condemn the practice of head huntingaccurately described by the anthropologist. The philosopher, accustomed as he is to "ask the next question,"is not content simply to hear a normative opinion. He insists upon aclear and precise statement of the meanings of the concepts employedin the opinion.

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But this arrangement had to be naturalised until we learned to take the alienation of people from their crops for granted. Consider sugar cane, a key participant. No one loves plantation sugar cane. Puerto Rican cane workers go out to defend themselves se defienden and do battle bregando with the cane. 27 Yet between the seventeenth and the nineteenth centuries, sugar cane plantations produced much of the wealth that fueled European conquest and development. The cane was moved across the warm zones, redefining regions; and so too came owners, managers, and laborers. 28 Slaves were sent from West Africa to the New World. Contracted coolie labour from India and China moved into the Pacific. Peasants were conquered and coerced in the Indies. And in forging a new antagonism to plantation plants, humans changed the very nature of species being. Elites entrenched their sense of autonomy from other species; they were masters not lovers of nonhuman beings, the species Others who came to define human self making.

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